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UML for Java Programmers

  • Category: Java Programming
  • Author: Robert Cecil Martin
  • Pages: 288 pages
  • File type: PDF

Read and download free eBook intituled UML for Java Programmers in format PDF – 288 pages created by Robert Cecil Martin.

The Unified Modeling Language has become the industry standard for the expression of software designs. The Java programming language continues to grow in popularity as the language of choice for the serious application developer.

Using UML and Java together would appear to be a natural marriage, one that can produce considerable benefit. However, there are nuances that the seasoned developer needs to keep in mind when using UML and Java together.

Software expert Robert Martin presents a concise guide, with numerous examples, that will help the programmer leverage the power of both development concepts. The author ignores features of UML that do not apply to java programmers, saving the reader time and effort. He provides direct guidance and points the reader to real-world usage scenarios. The overall practical approach of this book brings key information related to Java to the many presentations. The result is an highly practical guide to using the UML with Java.

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UML for Java Programmers

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