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The Rook’s Guide to C++

  • Category: C++ Programming
  • Author: Jeremy A. Hansen
  • License: Creative Commons Atribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  • Pages: 160
  • File type: PDF (160 pages, 914 KB)

Read and download free eBook intituled The Rook’s Guide to C++ in format PDF (160 pages, 914 KB) – 160 created by Jeremy A. Hansen.

This Creative Commons-licensed textbook written by Norwich University students and faculty aims to provide an introduction to the C++ programming language. The PDF and original typesetting materials are available if you are interested in having a free digital copy of your own or if you wish to contribute to improving the book.

What you are reading is the first of what the author hopes to be many ever-improving iterations of a useful C++ textbook.

We’ve gone fairly quickly from whim to print on an all-volunteer basis, and as a result, there are many things that I’d add and change if I had an infinite amount of time in my schedule.

Read and Download Links:

The Rook’s Guide to C++

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