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The Definitive Guide

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: Matthew A. Russell
  • Pages: : 500 pages
  • File type: HTML and PDF

Read and download free eBook intituled The Definitive Guide in format HTML and PDF – : 500 pages created by Matthew A. Russell.

Dojo: The Definitive Guide demonstrates how to tame Dojo’s extensive library of utilities so that you can build rich and responsive web applications like never before. Dojo founder Alex Russell gives a foreword that explains the “why” of Dojo and of this book.

Dojo provides an end-to-end solution for development in the browser, including everything from the core JavaScript library and turnkey widgets to build tools and a testing framework. Its vibrant open source community keeps adding to Dojo’s arsenal, and this book provides an ideal companion to Dojo’s official documentation.

Dojo: the Definitive Guide gives you the most thorough overview of this toolkit available, showing you everything from how to create complex layouts and form controls closely resembling those found in the most advanced desktop applications with stock widgets, to advanced JavaScript idioms to AJAX and advanced communication transports.

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The Definitive Guide

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