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SciPy Programming Succinctly

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: James McCaffrey
  • File type: HTML, PDF (120 pages), ePub, adn MOBI (Kindle)

Read and download free eBook intituled SciPy Programming Succinctly in format HTML, PDF (120 pages), ePub, adn MOBI (Kindle) created by James McCaffrey.

This book offers readers a quick, thorough grounding in knowledge of the Python open source extension SciPy. The SciPy library, accompanied by its interdependent NumPy, offers Python programmers advanced functions that work with arrays and matrices.

Each section presents a complete demo program for programmers to experiment with, carefully chosen examples to best illustrate each function, and resources for further learning. Use this e-book to install and edit SciPy, and use arrays, matrices, and combinatorics in Python programming.

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SciPy Programming Succinctly

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