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Home » Computer » Scheme 9 from Empty Space: A Guide to Implementing Scheme in C

Scheme 9 from Empty Space: A Guide to Implementing Scheme in C

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: Nils M. Holm
  • File type: PDF (247 pages, 746.59 KB); Zipped PDF (263 KB)

Read and download free eBook intituled Scheme 9 from Empty Space: A Guide to Implementing Scheme in C in format PDF (247 pages, 746.59 KB); Zipped PDF (263 KB) created by Nils M. Holm.

This book is a thorough guide of the internals of the scheme system with the same name. It provides a detailed account of every aspect of a non-trivial interpreter, from memory management, through the implementation of primitives, all the way up to the user-level forms and functions.

This is a very educational book for anyone interested in becoming more familiar with C or Scheme programming, language implementations, or just learning the in-and-outs of a moderately-sized code base.

The book is not exactly forbeginners, because the better part of it consists of code. Although the code is very straight-forward,some familiarity with both C and Scheme is required to follow it.

Read and Download Links:

Scheme 9 from Empty Space: A Guide to Implementing Scheme in C

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