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QuickTime for Java: A Developer’s Notebook

  • Category: Java Programming
  • Author: Chris Adamson
  • Pages: 256 pages
  • Size: Online

Read and download free eBook intituled QuickTime for Java: A Developer’s Notebook in format PDF – 256 pages created by Chris Adamson.

QuickTime Java (QJT) is a terrific multimedia toolkit, but it’s also terrifying to the uninitiated. Java developers who need to add audio, video, or interactive media creation and playback to their applications find that QTJ is powerful, but not easy to get into. In fact, when it comes to class-count, QuickTime Java is nearly as large as all of Java 1.1.

This practical “all lab, no lecture” book is an informal, code-intensive workbook that offers the first real look at this important software. Like other titles in our Developer’s Notebook series, QuickTime Java: A Developer’s Notebook is for impatient early adopters who want get up to speed on what they can use right now. It’s deliberately light on theory, emphasizing example over explanation and practice over concept, so you can focus on learning by doing.

Read and Download Links:

QuickTime for Java: A Developer’s Notebook


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