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Home » Computer » Planning for Big Data: A CIO’s Handbook to the Changing Data Landscape

Planning for Big Data: A CIO’s Handbook to the Changing Data Landscape

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: Edd Dumbill
  • File type: 83 pages, in ePub, Mobi, PDF, and Kindle format

Read and download free eBook intituled Planning for Big Data: A CIO’s Handbook to the Changing Data Landscape in format 83 pages, in ePub, Mobi, PDF, and Kindle format created by Edd Dumbill.

In an age where everything is measurable, understanding big data is an essential. From creating new data-driven products through to increasing operational efficiency, big data has the potential to make your organization both more competitive and more innovative.

As this emerging field transitions from the bleeding edge to enterprise infrastructure, it’s vital to understand not only the technologies involved, but the organizational and cultural demands of being data-driven.

This book provides an efficient, user-friendly ‘brief’ on the current status of Big Data analytics and how you can economically deploy this technology to increase your firm’s profitability.

Read and Download Links:

Planning for Big Data: A CIO’s Handbook to the Changing Data Landscape

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