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O’Reilly The Little Book on CoffeeScript

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: Alex MacCaw
  • Pages: : 60 pages
  • File type: Online, HTML, PDF and Kindle

Read and download free eBook intituled O’Reilly® The Little Book on CoffeeScript in format Online, HTML, PDF and Kindle – : 60 pages created by Alex MacCaw.

This little book shows JavaScript developers how to build superb web applications with CoffeeScript, the remarkable little language that’s gaining considerable interest. Through example code, this guide demonstrates how CoffeeScript abstracts JavaScript, providing syntactical sugar and preventing many common errors. You’ll learn CoffeeScript’s syntax and idioms step by step, from basic variables and functions to complex comprehensions and classes.

Written by Alex MacCaw, author of JavaScript Web Applications (O’Reilly), with contributions from CoffeeScript creator Jeremy Ashkenas, this book quickly teaches you best practices for using this language – not just on the client side, but for server-side applications as well. It’s time to take a ride with the little language that could.

Read and Download Links:

O’Reilly® The Little Book on CoffeeScript

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