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O’Reilly Practical C++ Metaprogramming

  • Category: C++ Programming
  • Author: Edouard Alligand and Joel Falcou
  • File type: HTML and PDF

Read and download free eBook intituled O’Reilly® Practical C++ Metaprogramming in format HTML and PDF created by Edouard Alligand and Joel Falcou.

To say that C++ programmers embrace metaprogramming is a real stretch. Outright rejection is probably more accurate. And yet, C++ template metaprogramming is ideal for performing automatic compile-time optimization. With this example-driven ebook, you’ll learn how improved metaprogramming techniques in C++11 and C++14 can help you avoid a lot of mistakes and tedious work by making the compiler work for you.

Authors show you how the process works and what it takes to build and apply a basic metaprogramming toolbox. Then comes the real payoff: you’ll learn about a set of existing metaprogramming techniques you can use to perform fast and precise metaprogramming tasks without error—including the Boost.MPL, Boost.Hana, and Brigand libraries.

Read and Download Links:

O’Reilly® Practical C++ Metaprogramming

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