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Next Generation HTML5 and JavaScript

  • Category: JavaScript Programming
  • Author: David Pitt
  • File type: PDF, ePud, Mobi (Kindle)

Read and download free eBook intituled Next Generation HTML5 and JavaScript in format PDF, ePud, Mobi (Kindle) created by David Pitt.

JavaScript is chaotic. The pace of change is faster than ever and it seems like a new framework or important library pops up every couple of weeks. A major shift in the language is about to hit when ECMAScript 6 is finalized this year.

Modern web developers have to juggle more constraints than ever before; standing still is not an option. We must drive forward and this eMag is a guide to getting on the right track. We’ll hear from developers in the trenches building some of the most advanced web applications and how to apply what they’ve learned to our own work.

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Next Generation HTML5 and JavaScript

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