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Mastering IOS Game Development

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: Miguel DeQuadros
  • Pages: : 228 pages
  • File type: PDF (118 pages, 6.6 MB), Kindle

Read and download free eBook intituled Mastering IOS Game Development in format PDF (118 pages, 6.6 MB), Kindle – : 228 pages created by Miguel DeQuadros.

This book provides an easy-to-understand and fun approach to game development, with step-by-step instructions and detailed explanation of each block of code. The topics covered range from easy to advanced, so buckle up for a fast-paced ride!

This book is for those who have created an iOS game already and want to hone their skills. A reasonable level of knowledge and an understanding of the core elements and applications would be helpful.

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Mastering IOS Game Development

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