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Home » Computer » Making Sense of Stream Processing: The Philosophy Behind Apache Kafka

Making Sense of Stream Processing: The Philosophy Behind Apache Kafka

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: Martin Kleppmann
  • File type: PDF (182 pages), ePub, and Mobi (Kindle)

Read and download free eBook intituled Making Sense of Stream Processing: The Philosophy Behind Apache Kafka in format PDF (182 pages), ePub, and Mobi (Kindle) created by Martin Kleppmann.

How can event streams help make your application more scalable, reliable, and maintainable? This book shows you how stream processing can make your data storage and processing systems more flexible and less complex. Structuring data as a stream of events isn’t new, but with the advent of open source projects such as Apache Kafka and Apache Samza, stream processing is finally coming of age.

Using several case studies, it explains how these projects can help you reorient your database architecture around streams and materialized views. The benefits of this approach include better data quality, faster queries through precomputed caches, and real-time user interfaces. Learn how to open up your data for richer analysis and make your applications more scalable and robust in the face of failures.

Read and Download Links:

Making Sense of Stream Processing: The Philosophy Behind Apache Kafka

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