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Learning JavaScript Design Patterns: A JavaScript and jQuery Developer’s Guide

  • Category: JavaScript Programming
  • Author: Addy Osmani
  • Pages: : 254 pages
  • Size: HTML

Read and download free eBook intituled Learning JavaScript Design Patterns: A JavaScript and jQuery Developer’s Guide in format PDF – : 254 pages created by Addy Osmani.

With Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, you’ll learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language. If you want to keep your code efficient, more manageable, and up-to-date with the latest best practices, this book is for you.

Explore many popular design patterns, including Modules, Observers, Facades, and Mediators. Learn how modern architectural patterns – such as MVC, MVP, and MVVM – are useful from the perspective of a modern web application developer. This book also walks you through modern module formats, how to namespace code effectively, and other essential topics.

This book should be in every JavaScript developer’s hands. It’s the go-to book on JavaScript patterns that will be read and referenced many times in the future.

Read and Download Links:

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns: A JavaScript and jQuery Developer’s Guide

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