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Home » Computer » Just Enough R: Learn Data Analysis with R in a Day

Just Enough R: Learn Data Analysis with R in a Day

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: : Sivakumaran Raman
  • License: CC BY-SA 4.0
  • File type: : PDF (170 pages, 3.94 MB), ePub, Mobi (Kindle)

Read and download free eBook intituled Just Enough R: Learn Data Analysis with R in a Day in format : PDF (170 pages, 3.94 MB), ePub, Mobi (Kindle) created by : Sivakumaran Raman.

Learn R programming for data analysis in a single day. The book aims to teach data analysis using R within a single day to anyone who already knows some programming in any other language. The book has sample code which can be downloaded as a zip file.

With more than two million global users, the R language is rapidly turning into a top programming language specifically in the space of data science as well as statistics. What you are going to learn in this step-by-step beginner’s guide is how to master the fundamentals of such a gorgeous open-source programming language which includes vectors, data frames and lists.

This book has been crafted in a step-by-step manner which we feel is the best way for you to learn a new subject, one step at a time. It also includes various images to give you assurance you are going in the right direction, as well as having exercises where you can proudly practice your newly attained skills.

Read and Download Links:

Just Enough R: Learn Data Analysis with R in a Day

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