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Java Testing and Design: From Unit Testing to Automated Web Tests

  • Category: Java Programming
  • Author: Frank Cohen
  • Pages: 544 pages
  • File type: PDF, 512 pages, 1.4 MB

Read and download free eBook intituled Java Testing and Design: From Unit Testing to Automated Web Tests in format PDF, 512 pages, 1.4 MB – 544 pages created by Frank Cohen.

Java Testing and Design: From Unit Testing to Automated Web Tests teaches you a fast and efficient method to build production-worthy, scalable, and well performing Web-enabled applications. The techniques, methodology, and tools presented in this book will enable developers, QA technicians, and IT managers to work together to achieve unprecedented productivity in development and test automation.

With Java Testing and Design, you will be prepared for a laundry list of new APIs, protocols, and tools being packed into the next generation of J2EE, .NET, and open-source systems. While these new software libraries, tools, and techniques are a big move forward for all of us, they push us to learn even more technology to turn out complex, highly functional, and interoperable software applications.

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Java Testing and Design: From Unit Testing to Automated Web Tests

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