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Integrating Java with Existing Data and Applications on OS/390

  • Category: Java Programming
  • Author: Alex Louwe Kooijmans, Egide Van Aerschot, Mark Cathcart, Antonio Lopriore, Frederic Mora, Elba van Zyl
  • Pages: 308 pages
  • File type: PDF

Read and download free eBook intituled Integrating Java with Existing Data and Applications on OS/390 in format PDF – 308 pages created by Alex Louwe Kooijmans, Egide Van Aerschot, Mark Cathcart, Antonio Lopriore, Frederic Mora, Elba van Zyl.

This book gives you a comprehensive overview of how to get started with Java in an OS/390 Server environment.

We strongly believe that Java and the Web together give a tremendous variety in implementing new-style applications. This is also true for an OS/390 Server environment. IBM’s policy regarding Java on OS/390 is to stay in step with Sun’s releases of Java. This, along with the availability of Java connectors for all major OS/390 subsystems and the “Web-enablement Services” of OS/390, gives the OS/390 user all the possibilities of using Java and the Web, even re-using existing data and transactions.

In this book we give you a top-down view of the implications of incorporating Java and the Web into your OS/390 environment.

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Integrating Java with Existing Data and Applications on OS/390

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