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Home » Computer » C++ » Industrial Strength C++: Rules and Recommendations

Industrial Strength C++: Rules and Recommendations

  • Category: C++ Programming
  • Author: Mats Henricson, Erik Nyquist, and Ellemtel Utvecklings AB
  • Pages: 240 pages
  • File type: Online, PDF files

Read and download free eBook intituled Industrial Strength C++: Rules and Recommendations in format Online, PDF files – 240 pages created by Mats Henricson, Erik Nyquist, and Ellemtel Utvecklings AB.

Taking the point of view that good rules make good programs, this book presents proven strategies for using and programming in the C++ object-oriented language in the form of easy-to-follow lists of rules and recommendations.

This book greatly expands the public domain “Ellemtel” C++ coding standard. Guidelines have been carefully selected and consisely formulated to define a C++ coding standard that should be valid and usable for almost all programmers. Text and code examples explain each individual rule and recommendation. Adopting this book as the company C++ coding standard helps remove an obstacle when trying to be certified for ISO 9000 or CMM. The book covers naming conventions, code organization, resource management, class interface design, object-oriented programming, conversions, error handling, portability, coding style.

Read and Download Links:

Industrial Strength C++: Rules and Recommendations

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