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Functional-Light JavaScript

  • Category: JavaScript Programming
  • Author: Kyle Simpson
  • License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
  • Pages: 388 pages
  • Size: HTML

Read and download free eBook intituled Functional-Light JavaScript in format PDF – 388 pages created by Kyle Simpson.

This book is a balanced, pragmatic exploration of Functional Programming in JavaScript. Functional Programming (FP) is an incredibly powerful paradigm for structuring code that yields more robust, verifiable, and readable programs.

It explores the core principles of functional programming (FP) as they are applied to JavaScript. But what makes this book different is that we approach these principles without drowning in all the heavy terminology.

If you’ve ever tried to learn FP but struggled with terms like “monad”, mathematical concepts like category theory, or symbols like (lambda), you’re not alone.Functional-Light programming distills the most vital aspects of FP – function purity, value immutability, composition, and more! – down to approachable JavaScript patterns. Rather than the all-or-nothing dogmatism often encountered in FP, this book teaches you how to improve your programs line by line.

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Functional-Light JavaScript

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