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ECMAScript 6 Succinctly

  • Category: Computer
  • Author: Matthew Duffield
  • File type: PDF (105 pages, 1.20 MB), Kindle

Read and download free eBook intituled ECMAScript 6 Succinctly in format PDF (105 pages, 1.20 MB), Kindle created by Matthew Duffield.

ECMAScript 6 (ES6), also known as ECMAScript 2015, brings new functionality and features to the table that developers have been wanting for a long time. The wait is over, and with help from ECMAScript 6 Succinctly by Matthew Duffield, you can now develop all of these features. You can also target browsers that don’t even support ES6 yet using a transpiler. A compiler translates one language to another, such as C# to MSIL, while a transpiler converts one version of a language to another, such as ES6 to ES5.

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