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Dynamic Proxies in Java

  • Category: Java Programming
  • Author: Heinz M. Kabutz
  • File type: PDF (156 pages) and ePub

Read and download free eBook intituled Dynamic Proxies in Java in format PDF (156 pages) and ePub created by Heinz M. Kabutz.

Java is still quite easy to learn, especially if we focus on the most essential tools. Start with the syntax, then object-orientation, flow control, collections and Java 8 streams. Design patterns hold everything together.

To become a true Java Specialist, we need to also master the underpinnings of this great platform. How else can we develop systems that take advantage of the power of Java?

Dynamic proxies are such a tool. We can save thousands of lines of repetitive code with a single class. By taking a thorough look at how they work, we will recognize good use cases for them in our systems.

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Dynamic Proxies in Java

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