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Data-Oriented Design: Software Engineering for Limited Resources and Short Schedules

  • Category: Computer
  • Pages: : 307 pages
  • File type: HTML and PDF

Read and download free eBook intituled Data-Oriented Design: Software Engineering for Limited Resources and Short Schedules in format HTML and PDF – : 307 pages created by .

The thinking behind Data Oriented Design is very similar to how you think about relational databases. Optimizing a relational database can also involve using the cache more efficient, although in this case, the cache is not CPU cache put pages in memory. A good data base designer will also likely split out infrequently accessed data into a separate table rather than creating a table with huge number of columns were only a few of the columns are ever used.

This book is a practical guide for serious game developers. It is for game developers working to create triple A titles across multiple platforms, for independent developers trying to get the most out of their chosen target hardware, in fact for anyone who develops cutting edge software in restrictive hardware.

It is a book about how to write code. It is a book written to educate games developers in a coding paradigm that is future proof, unlike the style of coding we’ve become so accustomed to. It is a book rooted in C++, the language of choice by games developers of the last ten years, and provides practical advice on how to migrate without throwing away years of accumulated code and experience. This book is about how you can transform your development.

Read and Download Links:

Data-Oriented Design: Software Engineering for Limited Resources and Short Schedules

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